
      "The historian’s task is not to disrupt for the sake of it, but it is to tell what is almost always an uncomfortable story and explain why the discomfort is part of the truth we need to live well and live properly. A well organized society is one in which we know the truth about ourselves collectively, not one in which we tell pleasant lies about ourselves."
Tony Judt

That my friends, just about sums up my thoughts on what I hope to accomplish in this blog. It seems that we have somehow forgotten that history is not always pretty. It is not always as simple as telling a story in which everyone wins and lives happily ever after. As an historian, it is my job, my duty, to provide all the facts, both pleasant and unpleasant, and encourage you, the reader to develop your own thoughts and opinions as to what the "real history" is in YOUR eyes. 
While this blog will concentrate mostly on West Virginia and Appalachian history, there will definitely be other subjects discussed as well. For example, I am likely at some point to discuss the black race films of the silent era. While many may not even know if the existence of such a thing, they are a huge part of American film history. In fact, I referred to the as "America's lost treasure" in my Masters Thesis.  They are indeed a treasure that far too few know about. 
I know you may not agree with all I write, nor would I expect you to. That's what makes history so interesting, and yes, fun! So hang on and prepare yourself for a fun ride through the exciting world if our past!


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