Coal Towns in the Clear Creek area of Raleigh County

Prior to the coming of the railroads and the subsequent mines, this portion of Raleigh County was quite isolated from the “outside” world. The first settlers came to this area in the early 1800's, and for one hundred years, things changed very little. The entire population of area was descended from those early settlers, and during that time more people would leave the area than would be born. 

However, as the railroads began the push westward through the area, things would begin to change. With the railroad now in place, coal operators saw opportunity to take advantage of the vast coal reserves that were in this area. By 1907 the first mine was open in the area of Lawson, and the Big Coal Company had opened the Dorothy Mine in the small town of Dorothy. By 1910, two other mines had opened, the Sarita Mine also in Dorothy, and the Clear Fork No. 1 Mine in Jarrolds Valley, and in 1911 the Leevale Mine in Leevale opened. In 1914 another mine opened in Jarrolds Valley, with operations soon beginning in the towns of Colcord and Ameagle.

As more and more coal was mined in this area, these small towns were growing and were soon among the principal towns of Raleigh County. By 1916, the mining town of Colcord was home to 200 residents. It was the terminus of the Cabin Creek extension of the Coal River Branch of the C&O Railway and featured two stores and even a hotel. At the same time, Jarrolds Valley had seen even more growth with a population of 500. Situated at the junction of the Marsh and Clear Forks, there was one hotel, 2 stores, a school and a church. However, given the number of mines operating there the town of Dorothy saw even more growth since its establishment by the Four States Coal and Coke Company. By 1916 Dorothy had a population in excess of 1,000 and featured 3 stores, including a Company Store and a hotel, as well as a band, and would later support a successful baseball team. In addition, the Presbyterian Church established a Mission School just east of town.

Another town which was started by a coal company and saw tremendous growth was Ameagle. Established by the American Eagle Colliery Company in 1920, the mine would initially employ 36 miners inside with an additional 20 laborers outside. By the early 1930’s both the mine and the town had grown significantly. American Eagle employed 600 miners and had an annual payroll of $800,000.  Ameagle saw its population swell to around 3,000 and was soon filled with modern homes, businesses, churches, a theater, a town baseball team,  and a large Company Store which was a social center for residents. 

Train depot in Colcord.
Coal Town Collection, West Virginia State Archives


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